The best financials ETFs
How to invest in the financials sector using ETFs
With sector ETFs, you invest in a specific part of the economy, for example in the financials sector. The most widely used standard in the financial industry for dividing the economy into sectors is the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). The major index providers MSCI and S&P use this standard consisting of 11 sectors and 68 assigned industries.For the classification of listed companies in each sector, the index providers analyse in which business segment companies are generating the majority of their sales and profits. Additionally, the positioning and public perception of a company are also taken into account.
La recommandation justETF : Trouvez les meilleures offres de courtage en ligne pour votre investissement en ETF ! En savoir plus
How do I invest in the financials sector?
An industry or sector index consists of all the companies of a certain sector starting from a parent index. For example, the MSCI World Financials index tracks all companies from the financials sector that are included in the MSCI World. A global financials ETF thus gives you the opportunity to invest in the largest finance companies worldwide.Sector ETFs of this type should not be mixed up with thematic ETFs. Thematic ETFs track a non-standardised industry group and a specific investment theme. We provide you with an overview of the available thematic ETFs here.
justETF tip: You can find out more about sector ETFs in our articles Investing in different sectors via ETFs and What sort of sector ETFs are available?.
Which companies are included in financials ETFs?
Companies from the financials sector are banks, insurers and financing specialists such as mortgage banks including mortgage REITs. The financials sector also includes companies involved in asset management, investment banking, the operation of financial exchanges and the distribution of financial data. You can invest in a specific aspect of the financials sector via fintech ETFs.In this investment guide, you will find all ETFs that allow you to invest globally in companies from the financials sector. For a performance comparison of the various ETF sectors, please have a look at our market overview.
Performance de l'indice MSCI World Financials
1 mois: -1,64%
1 an: +25,99%
3 ans: +45,47%
5 ans: +164,81%
Les meilleurs Financials ETFs
Comparaison des Financials ETFs
Dans le tableau ci-dessous, nous avons listé les financials ETFs actuellement disponibles. Via les onglets "Propriétés" et "Performance", vous pouvez trouver des informations détaillées sur ces ETF et les trier selon le critère que vous souhaitez. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur les différents critères de choix d'un ETF dans notre article sur la sélection des ETF. Source : ; situation au : 28/02/2025