The best ETFs for German Dividend Stocks

How do I invest in German dividend stocks?

An investment in high-dividend-yielding stocks is a solid investment. Dividends are usually paid by profitable and established companies. For investors seeking regular income in times of low interest rates, dividend stocks can provide attractive yields.

There are two main indices available to invest with ETFs in German high-dividend equities. This Investment Guide for German dividend stocks will help you navigate between the peculiarities of the DivDAX® index and the DAXplus® Maximum Dividend index as well as the ETFs that track them. It will allow you to find the most suitable ETFs for you by ranking them according to your preferences.

La recommandation justETF : Trouvez les meilleures offres de courtage en ligne pour votre investissement en ETF ! En savoir plus
0,25% p.a. - 0,31% p.a.
Les frais totaux sur encours annuels (TER) des German dividend ETFs
sur le secteur a German dividend ETF investissable via des ETFs
sur le secteur a German dividend ETF
Les meilleurs ETF pour le secteur a German dividend ETF

Le meilleur German dividend ETF selon le rendement sur un an au 28/02/2025

Classement de tous les $rankingLink en fonction de leur rendement


Le plus grand German dividend ETF en fonction du volume du fonds en EUR

Classement de tous les $rankingLink en fonction du volume du fonds


L’German dividend ETF le plus avantageux en fonction des frais totaux sur encours

Classement de tous les $rankingLink en fonction des frais totaux sur encours


Indices on German Dividend Stocks compared

DivDax® vs. DAXplus Maximum Dividend®

DivDax® DAXplus® Maximum Dividend
Number of ETFs 2 ETFs 0 ETFs
Number of constituents 15 25
Investment universe DAX®: 40 German stocks HDAX®: appr. 100 German stocks. All stocks included in DAX®, MDAX® and TecDAX®
Index rebalancing Annually
(May and November)
Selection criteria Historical dividend yield,
last dividend paid in relation to the stock price on the distribution date
Expected dividend yield,
companies that pay a dividend in the next 6 months and have the highest expected dividend yield, based on the closing price at the reporting date
Index weighting Market cap (free float)
Expected dividend yield
Maximum weight per constituent 10% 10%

Source: justETF Research; as of 28/02/22


DivDax® index: The 15 best dividend stocks in the DAX® index

The DivDax® index contains the 15 companies with the highest dividend yield of all 40 DAX® companies. Stock selection is based on the historical dividend yield, the last dividend paid in relation to the stock price on the distribution date. The index is weighted by free-float market capitalisation.


Methodology of the DivDAX® Factsheet Methodology

  • 15 DAX® stocks with the highest dividend yield
  • Index rebalancing takes place annually in September
  • Stock selection is based on historical dividend yield
  • Index weighted by free-float market capitalisation
  • Maximum weight per constituent is 10%

DAXplus® Maximum Dividend index: The 25 best dividend stocks in the HDAX® index

The DAXplus® Maximum Dividend index focuses on stocks' expected dividends. This index only includes companies that will pay a dividend in the next six months. Theoretically, it is possible that on the rebalancing date all companies in the index are replaced.

The selection universe of the DAXplus® Maximum Dividend index consists of all companies included in DAX®, MDAX® and TecDAX®. These three benchmark indices are summarised in the HDAX® index. In the DAXplus® Maximum Dividend index, the selected stocks are weighted according to their expected dividend yield, which is calculated on the basis of the closing price of the shares at the time of selection.


Methodology of the DAXplus® Maximum Dividend Factsheet Methodology

  • 25 stocks with the highest dividend yield from the HDAX® index
  • Prerequisite: ranked among the largest 75 percent and the most liquid 65 percent of all companies in the HDAX®
  • The HDAX® includes all companies in the DAX®, MDAX® and TecDAX®
  • Index rebalancing takes place semi-annually in May and November
  • Stock selection is based on companies that pay a dividend in the next 6 months and have the highest expected dividend yield, as calculated on the basis of the closing price on the reporting date
  • Index weighted according to expected dividend yield
  • Maximum weight per constituent is 10%

Comparaison des German Dividend ETF

Les principales caractéristiques en un coup d’œil

Pour la sélection d’un German dividend ETFs, outre la méthodologie de l’indice et les performances, d’autres facteurs jouent un rôle important lors de la décision. Pour faciliter la comparaison, vous trouverez une liste des German dividend stocks avec les indications relatives à la taille, aux frais, à l’utilisation des revenus, au domicile du fonds et à la méthode de réplication classée en fonction de la taille des fonds.

Comparaison détaillée de tous les $rankingLink
Comparaison graphique de tous les $rankingLink

Source : ; situation au : 25/03/2025


Comparaison des performances des German dividend ETFs

Le tableau suivant compare les performances de tous les German dividend ETFs. Toutes les indications relatives aux performances sont données à la fin du mois et comprennent les distributions. Outre les performances à une date de référence, l’évolution dans le temps est décisive pour la comparaison des ETFs. Pour cela, servez-vous aussi de nos comparaisons graphiques.

Source : ; situation au : 28/02/2025 ; indications en EUR, distributions comprises