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justETF Academy
Article overview
justETF Academy
Article overview
Discover the different categories
Hoe ETF's werken
Deskundige kennis over ETF's
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Exchange-traded funds: What is an ETF?
ETF's voor beginners
Exchange-Traded Funds: Wat is een ETF?
De voordelen van ETF-beleggen
Savings plan vs. one-off investment
How to Choose a Global ETF (step-by-step)
7 questions all ETF beginners ask themselves
What is an index?
How you easily decipher ETF names
10 André Kostolany quotes that explain the stock market
The Advantages of ETF Investing
How do ETFs work?
Make the right ETF selection: tips and tricks
Exchange-traded commodities: What is an ETC?
The miracle-growth of compound interest – or how to make £100,000 without really trying
Hoe ETF's werken
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Distributing or Accumulating ETFs: How to handle investment income
Fysieke replicatie van ETF's
Replicatiemethoden van ETF's
Physical replication of ETFs
ETFs and fund volume: Big is beautiful
Cost of ETFs: Total Expense Ratio (TER) vs. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Return calculation in the spotlight: Only the time-weighted return ensures comparability
Avoiding ETF performance pitfalls
ETF currency risk: How to handle it
Size matters when it comes to ETFs
Replication methods of ETFs
The decline of synthetic ETFs
Security Lending and ETFs
Swap ETFs: Synthetic replication of ETFs
How synthetic ETFs reduce counterparty risk
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11 tips to save 100 Euro more into an ETF saving plan
Beleggen in inkomen met ETF's
Cost-Averaging: Hoe ETF-beleggen hierbij helpt
MSCI vs FTSE: Wat is de beste indexprovider?
Inflation and ETFs
Criticism of the MSCI World index: is it justified?
How quickly can stocks rebound after a bad year?
17 Charlie Munger quotes that teach us invaluable lessons about investing and life
Seven investment tips by John Bogle
Your first 10,000 euros in ETFs
How much time should you spend on your investments?
7 reasons why Warren Buffett thinks you should be an index investor
The proof that active managers can't beat the market
Passive versus Active Investing
What is portfolio rebalancing?
Portfolio rebalancing: why it makes sense
ETF portfolios versus active fund portfolios - who wins?
Designing an ETF portfolio withdrawal strategy
ETF portfolio management: Do-it-yourself or outsource it?
20 years in retrospect: What would be the value of my portfolio today?
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Asset Allocation: choosing the right asset mix for your ETF portfolio
How much risk should you take?
Diversification protects your portfolio
How Buy and Hold works with ETFs
An introduction to the main asset classes for ETF investors
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Should you follow the "100 minus your age" rule?
The Magnificent 7 - just a bubble?
A beginners’ guide to portfolio strategies
Is it possible to invest in only one ETF?
The ultimate guide for ETF enthusiasts
How you could have turned 10.000€ into 32.673€
Can your ETF portfolio withstand a crisis? Follow these six steps to build in resilience
What to do if your portfolio is cluttered up with too many ETFs
Commodities and Inflation
How to get a globally diversified portfolio with just one ETF
Inflation and Gold: The case for holding Gold in difficult times
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How to buy an ETF: Frequently asked questions
The best way to beat inflation
Cost-Averaging: How it helps ETF Investing
How does ETF trading work?
The 6 biggest mistakes ETF investors make
How to persuade friends and family to invest in ETFs
10 quotes to see you through a stock market storm
Do rising interest rates crush equity returns?
The 9 best moves that will make you a better investor
ETF liquidity: what you need to know
Why time is all-important when investing
Does the price of an ETF matter?
US-domiciled ETFs: why they are no longer available from many online brokers
Creation / Redemption - The secret sauce of ETFs
Deskundige kennis over ETF's
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Is criticism of ETFs justified?
Money market ETFs: Are they a useful alternative to holding cash in the bank?
ETF voting rights: how do they influence companies?
Create your own ETF Savings plan: The ultimate guide
10 things most people don’t know about ETFs
ETF closing down – what now?
Legal Structure of ETFs: UCITS
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Megatrends: How to align your ETF portfolio with transformational global forces
Sustainable investments with ETFs
Retirement provision with ETFs: how it works
What do you get when you buy a growth ETF?
Investing in specific countries with ETFs
Commodity investing with ETFs - An Introduction
Income investing with ETFs
Emerging Markets ETFs: Investing in Emerging Markets with ETFs
An introduction to Social Responsibility Investing with ETFs
Investing in different sectors via ETFs
How to invest in real estate with ETFs
Investing in gold mines with ETFs
How to invest in gold with ETCs
What is a Smart Beta ETF?
How currency-hedged ETFs protect you from currency risk
What do you get when you buy a Quality ETF?
What sort of sector ETFs are available?
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MSCI vs FTSE: Which is the best index provider?
MSCI index classification and how they divide up the world
Indices: the drivers of ETF growth
A new industry sector is born
Investing in stock markets: What is actually a stock market index?
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The market where bonds beat equities
Inflation-linked bond ETFs: how they protect you against inflation
iBonds: a major breakthrough in bond ETFs?
How to choose a bond ETF
Investing in bonds with an ETF
Rising yields: why bond pain means long-term gain
An introduction to corporate bonds
Understanding credit risk for bond ETFs
Fixed Income Indices for Bond ETFs
Understanding interest rate risk for bond ETFs
An introduction to government bond ETFs
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What a Trump win could mean for your investments
The ETF year 2020
The ETF year 2019
justETF Market Watch – Review 3rd quarter of 2018
Best and worst performers in the first half of 2017