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Tasso di investimento mensile:

iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc)


0,07% p.a.
Politica di distribuzione
Dimensione del fondo
1 mln
  • Dieses Produkt hat nur eine Vertriebszulassung für Österreich, Deutschland, Dänemark, Spanien, Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Irland, Italien, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Schweden.



Der iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc) bildet den ICE 0-3 Month US Treasury Bill Index nach. Der ICE 0-3 Month US Treasury Bill Index bietet Zugang zu in US-Dollar denominierten Staatsanleihen, die vom US Treasury emittiert werden. Restlaufzeit: 0-3 Monate.
L’indice di spesa complessiva (TER) dell'ETF è pari allo 0,07% annuo. L’ETF replica la performance dell’indice sottostante con replica a campionamento (acquistando solo i componenti più importanti dello stesso).
L’ETF iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc) è un ETF di dimensioni molto piccole con un patrimonio gestito pari a 1 mln di Euro. L’ETF è stato lanciato il 24 settembre 2024 ed ha domicilio fiscale in Irland.
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ICE 0-3 Month US Treasury Bill
Investment focus
Geldmarkt, USD
Fund size
CHF 1 m
Total expense ratio
0,07% p.a.
Replication Physical (Optimized sampling)
Legal structure ETF
Strategy risk Long-only
Sustainability Nein
Fund currency USD
Currency risk Currency unhedged
Volatility 1 year (in CHF)
Inception/ Listing Date 24. September 2024
Distribution policy Accumulating
Distribution frequency -
Fund domicile Irland
Fund Provider iShares
Germany Nicht bekannt
Switzerland Nicht bekannt
Austria Nicht bekannt
UK Nicht bekannt
Indextype -
Swap counterparty -
Collateral manager
Securities lending No
Securities lending counterparty

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This section provides you with information on other ETFs with a similar investment focus to the iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc).
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Returns overview

1 month +2.59%
3 months -
6 months -
1 year -
3 years -
5 years -
Since inception (MAX) +2.65%
2023 -
2022 -
2021 -
2020 -

Monthly returns in a heat map


Risk metrics in this section:
  • Volatility, annualised, measured for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. The annualised volatility reflects the degree of price fluctuations during a one year period. The higher the volatility, the more significantly the price of the asset (stock, ETF, etc.) has changed in the past. Assets with higher volatility are generally considered more risky. We calculate the volatility based on the data for the past 1, 3 and 5 years so that you can see if price fluctuations for the ETF became stronger or weaker over time.
  • Return per risk for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. This is the annualised (i.e. converted to a one year period) past return divided by the past annualised volatility. The metric puts the historical return of an asset in relation to its historical risk and gives you a retrospective indication of the degree of price fluctuation you had to bear with in order to obtain the return. We calculate this parameter for 1, 3 and 5 year periods to display its evolution over time.
  • Maximum drawdown for a period. This shows the worst possible loss an investor could have suffered during the respective period, by first buying and subsequently selling the asset at the least favourable prices. For example, if there was the following sequence of daily ETF prices: 10€, 5€, 12€, 20€, an investor would have suffered the worst loss by buying for 10€ and subsequently selling for 5€. Therefore in this case the maximum drawdown would be (5€ - 10€)/10€ = -50%.
ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable).
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Risk overview

Volatility 1 year -
Volatility 3 years -
Volatility 5 years -
Return per risk 1 year -
Return per risk 3 years -
Return per risk 5 years -
Maximum drawdown 1 year -
Maximum drawdown 3 years -
Maximum drawdown 5 years -
Maximum drawdown since inception -0.55%

Rolling 1 year volatility

Stock exchange


Listing Trade Currency Ticker Bloomberg /
iNAV Bloomberg Code
Reuters RIC /
iNAV Reuters
Market Maker
London Stock Exchange USD U03A

Weitere Informationen

Weitere ETFs mit einem ähnlichen Anlageschwerpunkt

Fondsname Fondsgrösse in Mio. € (AuM) TER p.a. Ausschüttung Replikation
SPDR Bloomberg 1-3 Month T-Bill UCITS ETF 523 0,10% p.a. Thesaurierend Sampling
Global X 1-3 Month T-Bill UCITS ETF USD Accumulating 28 0,07% p.a. Thesaurierend Vollständig
Amundi Fed Funds US Dollar Cash UCITS ETF Dist 9 0,10% p.a. Ausschüttend Swap-basiert

Domande frequenti

Qual è il nome di U03A?

Il nome di U03A è iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc).

Qual è il ticker di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc)?

Il ticker di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc) è U03A.

Qual è l'ISIN di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc)?

L'ISIN di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc) è IE000SSFEUS3.

Quali sono i costi di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc)?

Il Total expense ratio (TER) di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc) è pari a 0,07% p.a.. Questi costi vengono prelevati dal patrimonio del fondo e sono già inclusi nella performance dell'ETF. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta il nostro articolo sui costi degli ETF.

Qual è la dimensione del fondo di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc)?

La dimensione del fondo di iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-3 Month UCITS ETF USD (Acc) è di 1 milioni di franchi svizzeri. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta il seguente articolo sulle dimensioni degli ETF.

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— Die verwendeten Daten werden bereitgestellt von Trackinsight, etfinfo, Xignite Inc., gettex, FactSet und justETF GmbH.

Kurse sind entweder Realtime- (gettex) oder 15 Minuten zeitverzögerte Börsennotierungen oder NAVs (täglich vom Fondsanbieter veröffentlicht). Die Wertentwicklungsangaben für ETFs beinhalten standardmässig Ausschüttungen (falls vorhanden). Es wird keine Gewähr für die Vollständigkeit, Genauigkeit und Richtigkeit der dargestellten Informationen übernommen.