Market Overview


Cryptocurrencies in comparison


2024: 50.04%


2024: 33.59%


2024: 36.45%

Ripple (XRP)

2024: -17.33%

Best Cryptocurrencies 2024

Worst Cryptocurrencies 2024


Cryptocurrencies: Performance comparison

Cryptocurrency 52 Week Low/High in 2024 1 Month 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years
Binance Coin (BNB) 52 week low/high 87.74% 13.65% 99.05% 70.65% 14.39%
Bitcoin 52 week low/high 50.04% -8.15% 54.59% 110.68% 25.98%
Bitcoin Cash 52 week low/high 83.97% 9.25% 102.84% 283.41% -40.28%
Cardano 52 week low/high -24.60% -29.34% -3.67% 9.60% -60.95%
Chainlink 52 week low/high -8.59% -27.41% 3.98% 91.31% -
Ethereum 52 week low/high 33.59% -11.75% 39.35% 59.21% 34.84%
Polkadot 52 week low/high -19.53% -30.83% 6.56% 6.56% -78.69%
Polygon (MATIC) 52 week low/high -29.27% -31.13% -5.48% -33.97% -
Ripple (XRP) 52 week low/high -17.33% -16.04% 0.76% 5.88% -56.72%
Solana 52 week low/high 36.45% -23.15% 68.39% 543.01% -
TRON 52 week low/high 13.94% -2.09% 5.75% 77.28% -
Uniswap 52 week low/high 1.03% -39.13% 29.63% 32.25% -

Source:; As of 26/04/2024; Calculations in GBP based on the oldest ETN tracking the respective cryptocurrency.


Cryptocurrencies: Monthly Returns


Source:; As of 26/04/2024; Calculations in GBP based on the oldest ETN tracking the respective cryptocurrency.