Adjust key parameters of your portfolio and keep track of your investment objective
Many of the basic settings that you made when creating your portfolio can be adjusted at any time. To do so, go to the Portfolio Settings page by clicking on "Settings" in the Portfolio Overview drop-down menu of the selected portfolio.Go to Portfolio settings:
Portfolio overview > to the portfolio > Portfolio settings
Portfolio overview > to the portfolio > Portfolio settings
Adjust general settings
In the first section of the settings page, adjust the basic parameters of your portfolio. These include name, portfolio currency and tax rate. The default tax rate is 26.3750%. It is based on the German tax code and corresponds to a capital gains tax of 25% plus solidarity surcharge. You may consider changing this setting in order to match your local tax rate for jurisdictions outside Germany.In order to change the parameters, click on the "Change" button. Then confirm your input with "Save".

Portfolio description
Define your investment strategy and objectives by describing your portfolio. Even with a large number of portfolios, you do not lose track of your individual investments. Click on the "Change" button to add a description to the portfolio.Place order fees
The portfolio settings also contain information about the order fees that you entered in the second step of the planning mode. Transaction fees are always stored individually for a portfolio. If you have not entered any order fees or custodian bank in planning mode, empty fields are displayed.You can use the "Change" button to adjust the deposited fees or enter the individual details manually. Alternatively, you can click on "Adjust portfolio" on the portfolio overview to go directly to the planning mode and make the adjustments there.