Deep Value Driller

ISIN NO0010955917






Deep Value Driller AS engages in the acquisition, operation and investment in drill vessels. It operates within the offshore contract drilling services market and currently owns one drillship, the UDW capable modern 7th generation drillship. The company was founded on January 4, 2021 and is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.
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Energy Upstream Energy Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations Norway


Key metrics

Market capitalisation, EUR 123.32 m
EPS, EUR 0.21
P/B ratio 10.93
P/E ratio 6.78
Dividend yield 35.93%

Income statement (2023)

Revenue, EUR 0.00 m
Net income, EUR -22.53 m
Profit margin -

What ETF is Deep Value Driller in?

There are 2 ETFs which contain Deep Value Driller. All of these ETFs are listed in the table below. The ETF with the largest weighting of Deep Value Driller is the WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend UCITS ETF.
ETF Weight Investment focus Holdings TER Fund size (in m EUR) Return 1Y WKN ISIN
WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend UCITS ETF 0.11%
Small Cap
403 0.38% 28 +10.30% A12HUU IE00BQZJC527
WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend UCITS ETF Acc 0.11%
Small Cap
403 0.38% 26 +10.71% A2ARXA IE00BDF16114

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Source: justETF Research; As of 2/2025; *Affiliate link
— The offers are sorted in the following way: 1. Rating 2. Order fee 3. Number of stock savings plans. The number of stock savings plans is rounded.
— No guarantee can be given for the completeness and correctness of the information listed. The information provided by the online brokers is decisive. In addition to the indicated broker fees, additional costs (e.g. spreads, gratuities and product costs) may apply.
— Data provided by Trackinsight, etfinfo, Xignite Inc., gettex, FactSet and justETF GmbH.

Quotes are either real-time (gettex) or 15 minutes delayed stock exchange quotes or NAVs (daily published by the fund provider). By default, ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable). There is no warranty for completeness, accuracy and correctness for the displayed information.