BWX Technologies

ISIN US05605H1005






BWX Technologies, Inc. engages in the supply and provision of nuclear components and products. It operates through the Government Operations and Commercial Operations segments. The Government Operations segment manufactures naval nuclear reactors, including the related nuclear fuel, for the U.S. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program for use in submarines and aircraft carriers. The Commercial Operations segment fabricates commercial nuclear steam generators, nuclear fuel, fuel handling systems, pressure vessels, reactor components, heat exchangers, tooling delivery systems, and other auxiliary equipment, including containers for the storage of spent nuclear fuel and other high-level waste and supplies nuclear-grade materials and precisely machined components for nuclear utility customers. The company was founded by Stephen Wilcox and George Babcock in 1867 and is headquartered in Lynchburg, VA.
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Industrials Industrial Manufacturing Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing United States



Key metrics

Market capitalisation, EUR 9,893.57 m
EPS, EUR 2.78
P/B ratio 9.62
P/E ratio 36.96
Dividend yield 0.86%

Income statement (2023)

Revenue, EUR 2,309.11 m
Net income, EUR 227.41 m
Profit margin 9.85%
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What ETF is BWX Technologies in?

There are 21 ETFs which contain BWX Technologies. All of these ETFs are listed in the table below. The ETF with the largest weighting of BWX Technologies is the VanEck Uranium and Nuclear Technologies UCITS ETF A.
ETF Weight Investment focus Holdings TER Fund size (in m EUR) Return 1Y WKN ISIN
JPMorgan BetaBuilders US Small Cap Equity UCITS ETF USD (acc) 0.19%
United States
Small Cap
1,374 0.14% 60 +25.62% A3DQ08 IE000JNKVS10
UBS ETF (IE) MSCI USA Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc 0.03%
United States
Multi-Factor Strategy
1,919 0.28% 7 +18.47% A2DWAC IE00BDGV0746
UBS ETF (IE) MSCI USA Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc 0.03%
United States
Multi-Factor Strategy
1,919 0.25% 87 +25.54% A2JSD1 IE00BDGV0415
HANetf Future of Defence UCITS ETF 0.99%
Military & Defense
60 0.49% 703 +44.82% A3EB9T IE000OJ5TQP4
SPDR MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF 0.12%
Small Cap
3,544 0.45% 952 +19.86% A1W56P IE00BCBJG560
Franklin U.S. Equity UCITS ETF 0.11%
United States
Multi-Factor Strategy
251 0.25% 62 +17.20% A2DTFZ IE00BF2B0P08
JPMorgan BetaBuilders US Small Cap Equity UCITS ETF USD (dist) 0.19%
United States
Small Cap
1,374 0.14% 177 +26.06% A3DQ09 IE0001O84583
UBS ETF (IE) MSCI USA Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis 0.03%
United States
Multi-Factor Strategy
1,919 0.25% 34 +25.56% A2DND0 IE00BDGV0308
UBS ETF (IE) MSCI USA Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc 0.03%
United States
Multi-Factor Strategy
1,919 0.28% 25 +14.78% A2DWAB IE00BDGV0C91
iShares Global Aerospace & Defence UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0.71%
Military & Defense
58 0.35% 209 - A3E1JS IE000U9ODG19
VanEck Uranium and Nuclear Technologies UCITS ETF A 9.89%
25 0.55% 396 +26.35% A3D47K IE000M7V94E1
VanEck Defense UCITS ETF A 5.13%
Military & Defense
28 0.55% 2,001 +59.38% A3D9M1 IE000YYE6WK5
iShares Russell 1000 Value UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0.04%
United States
846 0.18% 90 +24.16% A3ECC2 IE0002EKOXU6
Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1000 UCITS ETF 0.01%
United States
1,003 0.39% 441 +24.35% A0M2EA IE00B23D8S39
Global X Defence Tech UCITS ETF USD Accumulating 2.82%
Military & Defense
34 0.50% 12 - A40E7A IE000JCW3DZ3
iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF 0.13%
Small Cap
3,316 0.35% 4,929 +20.32% A2DWBY IE00BF4RFH31
SPDR MSCI USA Small Cap Value Weighted UCITS ETF 0.06%
United States
Small Cap
1,731 0.30% 590 +22.76% A12HU5 IE00BSPLC413
Amundi Russell 1000 Growth UCITS ETF Acc 0.01%
United States
395 0.19% 835 +34.03% ETF201 IE0005E8B9S4
SPDR S&P 400 US Mid Cap UCITS ETF 0.35%
United States
Mid Cap
401 0.30% 4,945 +23.10% A1JSHV IE00B4YBJ215
Invesco Dow Jones Islamic Global Developed Markets UCITS ETF Acc 0.02%
Islamic Investing
1,578 0.40% 873 +24.06% A3C6Z0 IE000UOXRAM8
iShares Russell 1000 Growth UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0.01%
United States
376 0.18% 227 +34.65% A3ECC1 IE000NITTFF2


Returns overview

YTD +0.67%
1 month -2.49%
3 months -3.75%
6 months +20.69%
1 year +35.10%
3 years +176.67%
5 years +79.15%
Since inception (MAX) +81.01%
2024 +46.83%
2023 +24.49%
2022 +35.22%
2021 -18.88%

Monthly returns in a heat map


Risk metrics in this section:
  • Volatility, annualised, measured for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. The annualised volatility reflects the degree of price fluctuations during a one year period. The higher the volatility, the more significantly the price of the asset (stock, ETF, etc.) has changed in the past. Assets with higher volatility are generally considered more risky. We calculate the volatility based on the data for the past 1, 3 and 5 years so that you can see if price fluctuations for the ETF became stronger or weaker over time.
  • Return per risk for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. This is the annualised (i.e. converted to a one year period) past return divided by the past annualised volatility. The metric puts the historical return of an asset in relation to its historical risk and gives you a retrospective indication of the degree of price fluctuation you had to bear with in order to obtain the return. We calculate this parameter for 1, 3 and 5 year periods to display its evolution over time.
  • Maximum drawdown for a period. This shows the worst possible loss an investor could have suffered during the respective period, by first buying and subsequently selling the asset at the least favourable prices. For example, if there was the following sequence of daily ETF prices: 10€, 5€, 12€, 20€, an investor would have suffered the worst loss by buying for 10€ and subsequently selling for 5€. Therefore in this case the maximum drawdown would be (5€ - 10€)/10€ = -50%.
ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable).
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Risk overview

Volatility 1 year 31.54%
Volatility 3 years 27.02%
Volatility 5 years 28.64%
Return per risk 1 year 1.11
Return per risk 3 years 1.49
Return per risk 5 years 0.43
Maximum drawdown 1 year -16.88%
Maximum drawdown 3 years -16.88%
Maximum drawdown 5 years -41.34%
Maximum drawdown since inception -41.91%

Rolling 1 year volatility

— Data provided by Trackinsight, etfinfo, Xignite Inc., gettex, FactSet and justETF GmbH.

Quotes are either real-time (gettex) or 15 minutes delayed stock exchange quotes or NAVs (daily published by the fund provider). By default, ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable). There is no warranty for completeness, accuracy and correctness for the displayed information.