CEZ as

ISIN CZ0005112300


WKN 887832




CEZ as engages in the generation, distribution, and trading of electricity, heat, natural gas, and other related activities. Its power generation portfolio consists of wind, hydroelectric, coal-fired, gas, and nuclear sources. The company operates through the following segments: Generation, Distribution, Sales and Mining. It also holds interest in the lithium ore mining project in Cínovec. CEZ was founded on May 6, 1992 and is headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic.
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Utilities Energy Utilities Czech Republic



Key metrics

Market capitalisation, EUR 22,004.51 m
EPS, EUR 1.73
P/B ratio 2.34
P/E ratio 23.86
Dividend yield 5.04%

Income statement (2023)

Revenue, EUR 14,949.12 m
Net income, EUR 1,230.77 m
Profit margin 8.23%
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What ETF is CEZ as in?

There are 40 ETFs which contain CEZ as. All of these ETFs are listed in the table below. The ETF with the largest weighting of CEZ as is the Expat Czech PX UCITS ETF.
ETF Weight Investment focus Holdings TER Fund size (in m EUR) Return 1Y WKN ISIN
Invesco FTSE EM High Dividend Low Volatility UCITS ETF 2.16%
Emerging Markets
170 0.49% 146 +11.30% A2AHZU IE00BYYXBF44
iShares MSCI EM UCITS ETF (Dist) 0.08%
Emerging Markets
1,236 0.18% 4,519 +19.81% A0HGWC IE00B0M63177
UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis 0.08%
Emerging Markets
1,143 0.18% 1,383 +19.61% UB42AA LU0480132876
SPDR MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF USD Hedged (Acc) 0.01%
2,277 0.17% 60 +27.28% A2JQU4 IE00BF1B7272
SPDR MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 0.10%
Emerging Markets
1,230 0.18% 653 +20.22% A1JJTE IE00B469F816
Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating 0.01%
3,618 0.22% 17,020 +24.67% A2PKXG IE00BK5BQT80
HSBC MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF USD 0.09%
Emerging Markets
1,257 0.15% 2,064 +19.40% A1JCMZ IE00B5SSQT16
Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR - USD (D) 0.08%
Emerging Markets
1,259 0.18% 152 +18.90% A2QLH9 LU2277591868
iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF 0.07%
Emerging Markets
3,160 0.18% 1,306 +18.41% A2JDYF IE00BD45KH83
iShares MSCI EM UCITS ETF (Acc) 0.09%
Emerging Markets
1,254 0.18% 3,397 +20.25% A0RPWJ IE00B4L5YC18
iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF (Acc) 0.07%
Emerging Markets
3,160 0.18% 21,433 +18.15% A111X9 IE00BKM4GZ66
Expat Czech PX UCITS ETF 16.20%
Czech Republic
7 1.38% 0 +28.69% A2JAG6 BGCZPX003174
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 1C 0.09%
Emerging Markets
1,271 0.18% 5,509 +19.99% A12GVR IE00BTJRMP35
Amundi Prime All Country World UCITS ETF Acc 0.01%
2,321 0.07% 106 - ETF151 IE0003XJA0J9
Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF Acc 0.02%
2,123 0.29% 824 +20.06% A2PLTB IE00BK5BR626
Franklin Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 0.57%
Emerging Markets
Multi-Factor Strategy
308 0.45% 46 +15.83% A2DTF1 IE00BF2B0K52
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets UCITS ETF Distributing 0.08%
Emerging Markets
2,182 0.22% 2,313 +23.77% A1JX51 IE00B3VVMM84
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Islamic UCITS ETF 0.37%
Emerging Markets
Islamic Investing
296 0.35% 253 +5.07% A0NA47 IE00B27YCP72
Amundi Prime All Country World UCITS ETF Dist 0.01%
2,321 0.07% 2,052 - ETF150 IE0009HF1MK9
iShares MSCI EM ex-China UCITS ETF USD (Dist) 0.12%
Emerging Markets
671 0.18% 7 - A40BZQ IE000W8RYVC0
Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (USD) Distributing 0.01%
3,618 0.22% 16,133 +24.67% A1JX52 IE00B3RBWM25
Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR (C) 0.08%
Emerging Markets
1,259 0.18% 3,009 +18.49% A2ATYY LU1437017350
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 1D 0.09%
Emerging Markets
1,271 0.18% 205 +20.08% DBX0RB IE000GWA2J58
UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-UKdis 0.08%
Emerging Markets
1,143 0.23% 74 - A12DVN LU1126036976
iShares MSCI ACWI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0.01%
2,329 0.20% 16,829 +24.83% A1JMDF IE00B6R52259
Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ex China UCITS ETF 1C 0.12%
Emerging Markets
661 0.16% 48 +11.04% A113FC IE00BM67HJ62
SPDR MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF (Acc) 0.01%
2,277 0.12% 3,837 +24.92% A1JJTC IE00B44Z5B48
iShares MSCI EM ex-China UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0.12%
Emerging Markets
671 0.18% 1,858 +11.97% A2QAFK IE00BMG6Z448
Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF Distributing 0.02%
2,123 0.29% 4,909 +19.65% A1T8FV IE00B8GKDB10
HSBC MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0.09%
Emerging Markets
1,257 0.15% 353 +19.43% A3DN5N IE000KCS7J59
UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Emerging Markets ex China UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc 0.11%
Emerging Markets
671 0.16% 21 +12.14% A2PRUG LU2050966394
Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta® Emerging Markets Equity UCITS ETF CLASS USD (Acc.) 0.13%
Emerging Markets
Multi-Factor Strategy
750 0.49% 8 +17.19% A2PPCE IE00BJ5CMD00
SPDR MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) 0.01%
2,277 0.17% 378 +20.49% A2JQU5 IE00BF1B7389
iShares Edge MSCI EM Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF 0.40%
Emerging Markets
Low Volatility/Risk Weighted
333 0.40% 288 +16.34% A1J782 IE00B8KGV557
L&G Quality Equity Dividends ESG Exclusions Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 0.28%
Emerging Markets
462 0.45% 22 +16.94% A2QK9V IE00BMYDMC42
iShares Emerging Markets Dividend UCITS ETF 3.28%
Emerging Markets
105 0.65% 653 +17.68% A1JNZ9 IE00B652H904
UBS ETF (LU) MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc 0.08%
Emerging Markets
1,143 0.18% 2,847 - A1W3CN LU0950674175
Amundi Prime Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR (C) 0.09%
Emerging Markets
1,431 0.10% 32 +18.66% A3CM5D LU2300295123
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets UCITS ETF Acc 0.08%
Emerging Markets
2,182 0.22% 660 +24.27% A2PLTC IE00BK5BR733
Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR (D) 0.08%
Emerging Markets
1,259 0.18% 586 +18.47% A2H9Q0 LU1737652583


Returns overview

YTD +8.73%
1 month +3.74%
3 months +13.50%
6 months +11.57%
1 year +13.54%
3 years +17.85%
5 years +101.00%
Since inception (MAX) +120.48%
2024 -5.37%
2023 +17.75%
2022 +1.59%
2021 +57.11%

Monthly returns in a heat map


Risk metrics in this section:
  • Volatility, annualised, measured for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. The annualised volatility reflects the degree of price fluctuations during a one year period. The higher the volatility, the more significantly the price of the asset (stock, ETF, etc.) has changed in the past. Assets with higher volatility are generally considered more risky. We calculate the volatility based on the data for the past 1, 3 and 5 years so that you can see if price fluctuations for the ETF became stronger or weaker over time.
  • Return per risk for 1, 3 and 5 year periods. This is the annualised (i.e. converted to a one year period) past return divided by the past annualised volatility. The metric puts the historical return of an asset in relation to its historical risk and gives you a retrospective indication of the degree of price fluctuation you had to bear with in order to obtain the return. We calculate this parameter for 1, 3 and 5 year periods to display its evolution over time.
  • Maximum drawdown for a period. This shows the worst possible loss an investor could have suffered during the respective period, by first buying and subsequently selling the asset at the least favourable prices. For example, if there was the following sequence of daily ETF prices: 10€, 5€, 12€, 20€, an investor would have suffered the worst loss by buying for 10€ and subsequently selling for 5€. Therefore in this case the maximum drawdown would be (5€ - 10€)/10€ = -50%.
ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable).
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Risk overview

Volatility 1 year 20.09%
Volatility 3 years 31.42%
Volatility 5 years 29.29%
Return per risk 1 year 0.67
Return per risk 3 years 0.18
Return per risk 5 years 0.51
Maximum drawdown 1 year -15.22%
Maximum drawdown 3 years -40.14%
Maximum drawdown 5 years -40.14%
Maximum drawdown since inception -40.72%

Rolling 1 year volatility

— Data provided by Trackinsight, etfinfo, Xignite Inc., gettex, FactSet and justETF GmbH.

Quotes are either real-time (gettex) or 15 minutes delayed stock exchange quotes or NAVs (daily published by the fund provider). By default, ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable). There is no warranty for completeness, accuracy and correctness for the displayed information.