iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist)



Ticker I50D

0,05% p.a.
Distribution policy
Basata su swap
Fund size
959 m


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Il iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) replica l'indice S&P 500®. L’indice S&P 500® replica i 500 titoli azionari statunitensi ad alta capitalizzazione.
The ETF's TER (total expense ratio) amounts to 0,05% p.a.. The ETF replicates the performance of the underlying index synthetically with a swap. The dividends in the ETF are distributed to the investors (Semestralmente).
The iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) is a very large ETF with 959m GBP assets under management. The ETF was launched on 21 April 2022 and is domiciled in Irlanda.
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S&P 500®
Investment focus
Azioni, Stati Uniti
Fund size
GBP 959 m
Total expense ratio
0,05% annuo
Replication Synthetic (Unfunded swap)
Legal structure ETF
Strategy risk Long-only
Sustainability No
Fund currency USD
Currency risk Currency unhedged
Volatility 1 year (in GBP)
Inception/ Listing Date 21 aprile 2022
Distribution policy Distributing
Distribution frequency Semi annually
Fund domicile Irlanda
Fund Provider iShares
Germany Non noto
Switzerland Non
Austria Non noto
UK Dichiara nel Regno Unito
Indextype Total return index
Swap counterparty Citigroup|JP Morgan
Collateral manager Bank of New York Mellon|Euroclear|JP Morgan|State Street Bank
Securities lending No
Securities lending counterparty

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I numeri della performance includono le distribuzioni/dividendi (se presenti). Come impostazione predefinita viene visualizzata la performance totale dell'ETF.

Resumen de devoluciones

YTD +20,97%
1 mes +4,53%
3 meses +6,96%
6 meses +10,70%
1 año +30,59%
3 años -
5 años -
Desde el inicio (MAX) +41,62%
2023 +19,32%
2022 -
2021 -
2020 -

Rendimientos mensuales en un mapa de calor


Rentabilidad actual de los dividendos

Rend. attuale da dividendo 1,17%
Dividendos (últimos 12 meses) GBP 0,06

Rentabilidad histórica de los dividendos

Period Dividendo en GBP Rentabilidad del dividendo en %
1 anno GBP 0,06 1,52%
2023 GBP 0,06 1,56%

Contribución al rendimiento de los dividendos

Dividendos mensuales en GBP


Los rendimientos de los ETF incluyen el pago de dividendos (si procede).
Muestra más Muestra menos

Visión general del riesgo

Volatilidad 1 año 12,80%
Volatilidad 3 años -
Volatilidad 5 años -
Rentabilidad por riesgo 1 año 2,81
Rentabilidad por riesgo 3 años -
Rentabilidad por riesgo 5 años -
Pérdida máxima 1 año -9,04%
Pérdida máxima 3 año -
Pérdida máxima 5 año -
Pérdida máxima desde el inicio -15,98%

Volatilidad a un año

Bolsa de Valores


Listado Divisa Ticker Bloomberg /
iNAV Bloomberg Code
Reuters RIC /
iNAV Reuters
Market Maker
Euronext Amsterdam USD I50D I50D NA
London Stock Exchange GBP I50D

Further information

Further ETFs on the S&P 500® index

Fund name Fund Size in m € (AuM) TER p.a. Distribution Replication
iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 91,857 0.07% p.a. Accumulating Full replication
Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF (USD) Distributing 41,029 0.07% p.a. Distributing Full replication
Invesco S&P 500 UCITS ETF 23,930 0.05% p.a. Accumulating Swap-based
iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD (Dist) 16,770 0.07% p.a. Distributing Full replication
Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating 14,674 0.07% p.a. Accumulating Full replication

Frequently asked questions

What is the name of I50D?

The name of I50D is iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist).

What is the ticker of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist)?

The primary ticker of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) is I50D.

What is the ISIN of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist)?

The ISIN of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) is IE000D3BWBR2.

What are the costs of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist)?

The total expense ratio (TER) of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) amounts to 0,05% p.a.. These costs are withdrawn continuously from the fund assets and already included in the performance of the ETF. You don't have to pay them separately. Please have a look at our article for more information about the cost of ETFs.

Is iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) paying dividends?

Yes, iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) is paying dividends. Usually, the dividend payments take place semestralmente for iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist).

What's the fund size of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist)?

The fund size of iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF USD (Dist) is 959m GBP. See the following article for more information about the size of ETFs.

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— Datos proporcionados por Trackinsight, etfinfo, Xignite Inc., gettex, FactSet y justETF GmbH.

Las cotizaciones son en tiempo real (gettex) o bursátiles con 15 minutos de retraso o valores liquidativos (publicados diariamente por el proveedor del fondo). Por defecto, los rendimientos de los ETF incluyen el pago de dividendos (si procede). No se garantiza la integridad, exactitud y corrección de la información mostrada.