Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd. engages in the provision of rail freight transportation services. It offers rail services linking Canada, the United States and Mexico. The company was founded on June 22, 2001, and is headquartered in Calgary, Canada.
IndustrialsIndustrial ServicesCargo Transportation and Infrastructure ServicesCanada
Key metrics
Market capitalisation, EUR
64,069.85 m
P/B ratio
P/E ratio
Dividend yield
Income statement (2024)
Revenue, EUR
9,819.47 m
Net income, EUR
2,509.89 m
Profit margin
Savings plan offers
Here you can find information about the savings plan availability for the stock. You can use the table to compare savings plan offers for the selected savings rate.
Source: justETF Research; As of 3/2025; *Affiliate link — The offers are sorted in the following way: 1. Rating 2. Execution fee 3. Number of stock savings plans. The number of stock savings plans is rounded. — No guarantee can be given for the completeness and correctness of the information listed. The information provided by the online brokers is decisive. In addition to the indicated broker fees, additional costs (e.g. spreads, gratuities and product costs) may apply.
— Data provided by Trackinsight, etfinfo, Xignite Inc., gettex, FactSet and justETF GmbH. Quotes are either real-time (gettex) or 15 minutes delayed stock exchange quotes or NAVs (daily published by the fund provider). By default, ETF returns include dividend payments (if applicable). There is no warranty for completeness, accuracy and correctness for the displayed information.